atmospheric pollution reduction with agrichem innovation products
Agrichem Innovation Inc company has own Ammonia (NH3) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gasses recycling technologies which contribute to climate changing because to mitigate the climate changing is required by deep reductions of polluting gases amount in the nearest future.
Our company production already let to recycle these agri gasses with negative Carbon Dioxide process to organic NPK fertilizer. Today produce the 1000 liter of organic NPK fertilizer our company eliminate 30 kg of pure Ammonia (NH3) and 68 kg of Carbon Dioxide gasses. without using natural gas which required for standard production. Also, the production of organic fertilizer our company’s technologies let to use very low amount of electricity and processes are without waste and does not pollute the environment.
Agrichem Innovation company the Ammonia (NH3) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gasses recycling with developed technology which let to collect these gasses from agri farms or industry sector as waste. Collected these gasses in various liquid or powder compounds are recycled with our company equipment and innovative production process. Our company use own produced equipment which processing agri waste by green cycle method to organic agri products. Our production processes let the gasses convert into organic salts such as Nitrate Nitrogen or Potassium carbonate which produced under organic rules leave organic listed.
Also the Agrichem Innovation company support big growers by grow technology which let to use our company produced plant nutrients and cultivate food organically with natural method, eliminating growers problems with water pools, pH, biofilm and other. Main our products are produced on organic Nitrate Nitrogen salt where products very soluble in water, no pollute water pools in the greenhouses, no accumulate elements ions like Cl, So4, NaO,

Agrichem Innovation Inc company and manufacturing processes are organically approved by different standards and finally products are allowed to use in organic agri market. By this company strategy we can reduce greenhouse gasses amount in the atmosphere and at the same time to produce organic products where the company has activities and profits.